Obtaining Additional Tape CartridgesUse only tape cartridges recommended by the manufacturer in the 8mm Tape Drive.Contact your customer service representative or the place of purchase to obtain therecommended tape cartridges.General information for the 12/24GB 4mm Tape DriveThe 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive is an internal streaming tape drive that provides mediumto high-capacity backup and archival capability as well as high data- transfer rate. The12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive uses NARROW bus (8-bit) architecture. Communications onthe SCSI bus can be either asynchronous or synchronous. The 12/24GB 4mm TapeDrive is compatible with existing 2.0 GB and 4.0 GB 4 mm tape drives. The 12/24GB4mm Tape Drive can be used as a boot device.The tape drive is used primarily for:v Saving and restoring system data filesv Archiving important recordsv Distributing operating system software upgrades.The drive conforms to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) SCSI-2standard.Features of the 12/24GB 4mm Tape Drive include:v Use of 12/24 GB 4 mm data cartridges.v Data rate of 1.1 MB/second.v Capacity of 12 GB.v Compression capability, which effectively doubles the native capacity of 12 GB andthe effective data rate. The actual capacity per cartridge varies depending on theapplication and the type of data cartridge being used. The default is compressed.Use SMIT to change the default.Note: The factory default setting isActivated. Data compression is usually controlledby the application software.v A half-high 5.25-inch form-factor.v Status lights that indicate:– When it is time to clean the tape drive– When the tape is in motion– When the drive is ready to accept tape motion commands.Chapter 2. Using the 44P Series Model 270 29