Mode AdjustJBL Performance5-18See “Listening Mode Menu Option & Parameter Descriptions” on page 5-29 for detaileddescriptions.The table below indicates the conditions in which THX Surround EXand THX Ultra2 decoding are engaged.• THX Surround EX decoding is engaged when the SUR-ROUND EX parameter is set to ON, or the SURROUND EXparameter is set to AUTO and a flagged 5.1-channel DolbyDigital source with THX Surround EX encoding is detected.• THX Ultra2 decoding is engaged when the SURROUND EXparameter is set to OFF, or the SURROUND EX parameter is setto AUTO and a non-flagged 5.1-channel Dolby Digital sourcewith or without THX Surround EX encoding is detected.• Listening mode name differs depending on the encodingpresent in the input source, the SURROUND EX parametersetting and the speaker setup.– The THX ULTRA2 listening mode is available when THXUltra2 decoding is engaged.– The THX SurEX listening mode is available when THX Sur-round EX decoding is engaged.– The THX listening mode is available when neither THXUltra2 nor Surround EX decoding is engaged.– The THX ULTRA2 and THX SurEX listening modes cannot beactivated unless side and rear speakers are present.Note:The AV1 cannot automatically detect THX Surround EX encodingin non-flagged 5.1-channel Dolby Digital sources. A no flaggedsource does not include information in the input signal that iden-tifies THX Surround EX encoding.Option/Parameter Default Setting Possible SettingsRE-EQUALIZER ON ON, OFFSURROUND EX AUTO AUTO, ON, OFFCOMPRESSION OFF AUTO, ON, OFFLFE MIX +0.0dB -10.0dB to +0.0dBOUTPUT LEVELS -- --CUSTOM -- --Input SourceParameter Setting 5.1-Channel Dolby Digital 5.1-Channel Surround EX-EncodedDolby Digital (Flagged)5.1-Channel Surround EX-EncodedDolby Digital (Non-Flagged)SURROUND EX: AUTO 5.1 THX ULTRA2 5.1 THX SurEX 5.1 THX ULTRA2SURROUND EX: ON 5.1 THX SurEX 5.1 THX SurEX 5.1 THX SurEXSURROUND EX: OFF 5.1 THX ULTRA2 5.1 THX ULTRA2 5.1 THX ULTRA2