SetupJBL Performance3-12ASSIGNING AUDIO & VIDEO INPUT CONNECTORS (continued)COMPONENT IN COMPONENT 1 TO 3, NONEOpens the COMPONENT menu, which assigns a component videoinput connector for the selected input. The AV1 has eight config-urable inputs, each of which can be assigned to any of its threecomponent video input connectors.Note:Composite video output connectors are available when a compositesource is present.DVD1 COMPONENTCOMPOSITE-1MAIN MENUMODE ADJUSTAUDIO CONTROLSSETUPSETUPINPUTSSPEAKERSREAR PANEL CONFIGDISPLAYSVOLUME CONTROLSTRIGGERLOCK OPTIONSINPUT SETUPDVD1DVD2SATVCRTVCDTUNERAUXCOMPOSITE-2COMPOSITE-3NONEDVD1 INPUT SETUPNAMEDIGITAL INANALOG INVIDEO INCOMPONENT IN2-CHADVANCEDDDVD1COAX-1NONEAUTOS-VIDEO-11FILM5.1 FILMFILMANLG IN LVLINPUTSSETUP DVD1 COMPONENT IN