AV1Setup3-7DIGITAL IN COAX-1 to 4, OPTICAL-1 to 4, NONEOpens the DIGITAL IN menu, which assigns a digital audio inputconnector for the selected input. The AV1 has eight configurableinputs, each of which can be assigned to any of its eight digitalaudio input connectors.Note:The digital audio input connectors are compatible with PCM (44.1kHz,48kHz, 88.2kHz and 96kHz), Dolby Digital and DTS(-ES) sources. Thedigital audio input connectors are not compatible with MPEG (MP3)sources.Please note the following:• When no digital audio input connector is assigned, the AV1 willautomatically set the ADVANCED menu INPUT SELECT parame-ter to ANALOG. See “CONFIGURING ADVANCED SETTINGS”on page 3-17 for more information.• A digital audio input connector must be assigned when no ana-log audio input connector is assigned. See “ANALOG IN” onpage 3-8 for information about assigning an analog audioinput connector.MAIN MENUMODE ADJUSTAUDIO CONTROLSSETUPSETUPINPUTSSPEAKERSREAR PANEL CONFIGDISPLAYSVOLUME CONTROLSTRIGGERLOCK OPTIONSINPUT SETUPDVD1DVD2SATVCRTVCDTUNERAUXDVD1 DIGITAL INCOAX-1COAX-2COAX-3COAX-4OPTICAL-1OPTICAL-2OPTICAL-3OPTICAL-4NONEDVD1 INPUT SETUPNAMEDIGITAL INANALOG INVIDEO INCOMPONENT IN2-CHADVANCEDDDVD1COAX-1NONEAUTOS-VIDEO-11FILM5.1 FILMFILMANLG IN LVLINPUTSSETUP DVD1 DIGITAL IN