45Using PLAY LIST to edit programmes (continued)Moving a Scene[RAM]Preparation≥Switch [DVD, TV] (19) to “DVD”.≥Insert a disc you created play lists on.After performing steps 1 to 3 of “Adding Scenes to a PLAYLIST”(page 44), perform the following steps:4 Use [2, 1] (10) to select “Move” and press[ENTER] (10).5 Use [3, 4, 2, 1] (10) to select the scene you wantto move and press [ENTER] (10).6 Use [3, 4, 2, 1] (10) to select the scene currentlyin the position to which you want to move the sceneand press [ENTER] (10).≥The scene you selected in step 5 moves to the position infront of the scene selected.ªTo move another sceneRepeat steps 5 and 6.To re-edit a PLAY LIST Scene[RAM]Preparation≥Switch [DVD, TV] (19) to “DVD”.≥Insert a disc you created play lists on.After performing steps 1 to 3 of “Adding Scenes to a PLAYLIST”(page 44), perform the following steps:4 Use [2, 1] (10) to select “Re-edit” and press[ENTER] (10).5 Use [3, 4, 2, 1] (10) to select the scene you wantto re-edit and press [ENTER] (10).6 Use search function such as fast-forward and slow-motion to find the start point of the scene and press[ENTER] (10).7 Use search functions such as fast-forward andslow-motion to find the end point of the scene andpress [ENTER] (10).8 Use [3, 4] (10) to select “Exit” and press [ENTER](10).ªTo re-edit another scene(1) Use [3, 4] (10) after step 7 to select “Next” or “Back” andpress [ENTER] (10) until you find the scene you want to re-edit.(2) Repeat steps 5-7 to continue re-editing other scenes.Note≥You cannot specify an end point before a start point or a startpoint after an end point.For your reference≥You can fast-forward, rewind, pause and slow-motion whileplaying scenes just as you can during normal play.PLAY LISTEditSELECT PAGE001/0013 15/7 0:02 004 DinosaurBack NextAdd Move Re-edit EraseRETURNENTERSELECT - - - - - - - - -- - -002 003004 - - -001 00:00.190 – 9PLAY LISTEditSELECT PAGE001/0013 15/7 0:02 004 DinosaurBack NextAdd Move Re-edit EraseRETURNENTERSELECT - - - - - - - - -- - -002 003004 - - -001 00:00.190 – 9PLAY LISTEditSELECT PAGE001/0013 15/7 0:02 004 DinosaurBack NextAdd Move Re-edit EraseRETURNENTERSELECT - - - - - - - - -- - -002 003004 - - -001 00:00.190 – 9PLAY LISTRe-edit0 : 00 . 05Start EndStart1EndNextExitScene No.0 : 35 . 20RETURNENTERSELECT0 : 35 . 203 3PLAY LIST No.301Back