Operation3-653160-A2-GB22-10 December 19966. When the number of the desired directory appearson the screen, press F3 (Dial) to place the call.Differences Using the Async Terminal: To initiate a callat the local DSU/CSU, select Call Setup from themain/control menu. Figure 3-40 shows an example of thescreen that appears.Customer ID: New Custmain/control/call_setupModel: ACCULINK XXXXMain Previous Cntrl–x to DisconnectCall SetupDirectory Number: _____Directory Phone Number:DialFigure 3-40. Call Setup ScreenEnter the number for the phone directory and selectDial.Entering a Password to Gain AccessYou are prompted to enter a password (up to8 characters) when you are dialing in to a device whoseSet Password User Interface configuration option is set(see Appendix C, Configuration Options). The Passwordfunction is not available for Model 3161 DSU/CSUs sincepasswords are only used for modem connections and anintegral modem is not available for 3161 DSU/CSUs.Valid password characters are 0–9, a–z, A–Z, #, -, .,and /. The existing password is not shown on the screen.An underscore in the first position shows where to enterthe first character. If the password is set to all nullcharacters (default value), press F3 (Done) when thepassword screen first appears.Create and modify passwords with the Passwordcommand in the Control branch of the front panel menutree (see Chapter 2, Installation, for information aboutcreating/modifying a password).The following screen appears when you call aDSU/CSU that has a password enabled.F1Passwd:Up Down DoneF2 F3To complete a call when the remote DSU/CSU SetPassword configuration option is enabled,1. Use the and keys to position the cursorunder the desired character. You must enter acharacter before the key moves the cursor tothe next space to the right. The key is notdestructive.F1Passwd:Up Down DoneF2 F32. Enter the required password. Press F1 (Up) and F2(Down) to scroll up and down through the validcharacters/numbers for the password. You havefive minutes to enter the correct password beforethe DSU/CSU disconnects and ends the session.3. Press F3 (Done) to indicate you are done enteringthe password. If you enter an invalid password, themessage Invalid Password appears and the calldisconnects.F1Passwd:Up Down DoneF2 F3Differences Using the Async Terminal: See Entering aPassword in the Using the Async Terminal Feature sectionfor a description of the password sequence when using theasync terminal.