ACCULINK 316x DSU/CSU1-2 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10• Independently selectable DTE interfaces (V.35,EIA-530A, V.11, and/or RS449/422).• Flexible timing source, available from theT1 network interface, the DSX-1 T1 interface, atleast one of the synchronous DCE data ports, aninternal clock, or an external clock.• Flexible, user-friendly channel allocation.The 3160/3164 DSU/CSUs are available in a compactstandalone case (Figure 1-1) that can be mounted on adesktop, shelf, or wall. The 3161 DSU/CSU is availableas a circuit card that is installed into a COMSPHERE3000 Series Carrier.FeaturesThe 316x DSU/CSU offers a wide variety of features:• Integral modem for 3160/3164 DSU/CSUs onlywhich enables remote operation to enhanceserviceability and increases uptime.• User interfaces for access to configuration andalarm information.• Front Panel Emulation via Windows