Operation3-433160-A2-GB22-10 December 19963. Press F1 to select Edit.F1Choose Funct:Edit SaveF2 F34. Press the key from the Edit screen to displaythe Chan selection.F1Edit:DTE Port NETF2 F35. Press F3 to select Chan.F1Edit:DTEPort NET ChanF2 F36. From the Channel Config screen, press thekey to scroll the ports onto the screen.F1Channel Config:Dsply Clear DTEF2 F37. Select the desired port by pressing itscorresponding Function key.F1Channel Config:Prt1 Prt2 Prt3F2 F38. The configuration option for the data portchannel allocation destination appears on thescreen. Press F2 (NET) to assign this port to theNetwork T1 interface, or F3 (DTE) to assign thisport to the DSX-1 Drop/Insert T1 interface.F1Assign To:NETNext NET DTEF2 F39. Press F1 (Next) to display the appropriateconfiguration options on the screen. Use one ofthe following examples, depending on whetheryou are assigning by block, ACAMI, or i.Differences Using the Async Terminal: To allocate dataports, choose a port selection from the main/configuration/edit/channel menu. From these screens, youcan specify whether the assignment is by block, ACAMI,or individual port.Block Channel Assignment Method ExampleTo assign by the block method,1. The Assign By configuration option screenappears after you select a port. To assign by block,press F2 (Block).F1Assign B y:BlockNext Bloc k A CAMIF2 F32. Press F1 (Next) to display the next configurationoption (Port Rate).F1Assign B y:Next Bloc k A CAMIF2 F3