Operation3-713160-A2-GB22-10 December 1996Activating Interface Option ChangesAfter the async terminal configuration options are set,the changes must be saved and made active. Depending onyour preference, changes are saved to the Customer (Cust)Configuration option set which, in turn, must be written tothe active Configuration option set to take affect. Or, theyare saved directly to the Active Configuration Option set.Refer to the Configuration Option Areas section earlier inthis chapter for information on saving changes to theConfiguration option sets.Initiating an Async Terminal SessionOnce the async terminal is connected and theconfiguration option changes are active, modem port usersmust dial-in through a modem connection to initiate asession using the async terminal. COM port connectionsautomatically display the first level menu provided apassword is not required.If access security is required, the Password Accessscreen displays the prompt for password input. If accesssecurity is not required, the top-level menu (or mainmenu) appears or a message appears indicating thatanother user has control of the device. In this case, thescreen shows which type of connection is active, Ft.Panel, Modem, or COM Port.Entering a PasswordWhen access security is required, the Password AccessScreen appears and the password must be entered.• If the password is valid, the DSU/CSU’s top-levelmenu is displayed.• If the password is invalid, an invalid passwordmessage displays and the Password Access Screenredisplays and waits for password entry.Figure 3-42 shows an example of the Password Accessscreen.Customer ID: New CustpasswordModel: ACCULINK XXXXEnter Password: _________Figure 3-42. Password Access ScreenAsync Terminal Menus and ScreensMenus differ from the front panel in that they typicallydo not use abbreviations and in some cases provide amore direct access to an option or function. However, themenu selections are straightforward and the logicalgrouping of the menu tree remains the same betweeninterfaces. In general, the interfaces follow the samepaths. A few options available from the 3160/3164DSU/CSU front panel are not available from the asyncterminal interface, such as the Lamp test. This is notedwhere appropriate in the procedures. The terminalinterface also supports the same context sensitivity as thefront panel.By convention throughout this manual, examples ofscreens that access the data ports are always shown asthey appear with the 4-port 3164 DSU/CSU. Menus forthe 2-port DSU/CSU only display the information forPort 1 and Port 2.The top line of every screen always displays the menupath for the function (or configuration option) beingdisplayed. The second line shows the customeridentification (CID) number and the DSU/CSU’s modelnumber. The remaining screen area is used for menu oroption-specific information.There are three screen types: menu selection, edit anddisplay screens. Menu screens list selections availablethrough the menu system, edit screens provide theinterface for changing configuration options, and displayscreens provide configuration information and resultsfrom performance and device specific tests. Unlike thefront panel operation where you constantly key forward toview or choose configuration options and selections, the