ACCULINK 316x DSU/CSU4-12 December 1996 3160-A2-GB22-10Test PatternsUse the Test Pattern commands to send, monitor, andabort transmission of test patterns on the DSU/CSUnetwork. Available test patterns are:• QRSS – A Quasi-Random Signal Sourceapproximating live data that can be monitored forlogic errors (on network and data ports).• 1-in-8 – A test pattern consisting of a one (1)followed by seven zeros (on network only).• 511 – A Pseudo-Random Signal 511 bits long (ondata ports only).Sending Test PatternsUse the Send command to start transmission of a testpattern.Only one test pattern can be active at a time on oneport. Table 4-3 lists the valid send test patterncombinations. Valid combinations are identified by YES.To send a test pattern,1. Press F2 to select Test from the top-level menuscreen.F1DS U E SFStat Test CnfigF2 F32. From the Test screen, press F3 to select Ptrns.F1Test:Rlpbk Lpbk PtrnsF2 F33. From the Patterns screen, press F2 to select Send.F1Patterns:Abort Send MonF2 F34. From the Patterns Send screen, press F1 to send aQRSS pattern, or F2 to send a 1-in-8 pattern, or F3to send a 511 pattern.F1Patterns: S endQRSS 1in8 511F2 F3If you press F2 to send a 1-in-8 pattern, skipStep 5.5. From the Send screen, press the function key thatcorresponds to the network or port for which youwant to send a test pattern. Use the scroll keys, ifnecessary. (NET does not appear for the 511pattern.)F1Send:NameNET Prt1 Prt2F2 F3The Test Started screen appears.F1Send:Name and DestTes t S tartedF2 F3If the DSU/CSU is already sending the test patternyou selected, the message Already active appears.If selected an incompatible test patterncombination, the message Invld Test Comboappears. See Table 4-3 for valid combinations.