OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 MAY 2009MMC: 837• TRK REG EXP: The time interval for OfficeServ registration request. The finalexpiration time period is determined by Expires valuespecified in the response message sent by the ITSP.• ALIVE NOTI: This option is the check the aliveness of the ITSP. If thisfield is set to OPTIONS, the SIP OPTION messages will besent periodically based on the time value in NOTIFY TIME.• NOTIFY TIME: The time interval for sending the SIP OPTIONS message.• EXCLUSIVE: When set to YES, all incoming SIP messages fromunidentified sources will be rejected. Only SIP messagesfrom the designated outbound proxy server will beaccepted.• IMS OPTION: When this option is enabled, the SIP message format will bechanged to interact with the IMS switch.• ASSERTED ID: If the ITSP requires use of the P-Asserted-ID field, OfficeServcan be set according to the ITSPs requirement.o PRIMARY: P-Asserted-ID contains primary number and FROM headercontains secondary number.o ALTERNATE: P-Asserted-ID header contains secondary number andFROM header contains primary number.• PRIVACY: When this option is enabled, the caller line ID will not besent.• SIP PEERING: This option allows the SIP to be used as the networkingprotocol among different PBX.• CLIP TABLE: This option select which of the four CLIP tables to use in theMMC 321 (SEND CLI NUMBER).• SS TYPE: This option sets the type of SIP service for supplementaryservice.o SERVER MANAGED: Use REFER method.o PBX MANAGED 1: Use RE-INVITE method.