OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 8 APRIL 20078.1.17Set Delete after forward to Yes.Set Autoforward delay to 0 hours, 15 minutes and then click Save.On the Call Director screen set the AUTO-FWD Event Pointer Type to LST.Click the Target Name box for the AUTO-FWD Event Pointer and select Listblock 9999, then click Save.Test the application by leaving a message in the sbscriber's mailbox and waiting15 minutes for it to be delivered to the other team members' voicemail boxes. Email Message NotificationScenario:A customer has requested that he receive all his messages by email rather thanhaving to check his voicemail through his telephone. He has also requested thathis messages be delivered to both his work and home email accounts.Planning:This scenario is very easy to implement by using the E-Mail Gateway feature ofthe voicemail. At the outset configuring the E-Mail gateway may seemoverwhelming, but it is actually very simple.There are a few places where settings have to be made for the E-Mail Gatewayto function properly. The first thing to do is to determine how many subscriberswill need the feature. By default the system is licensed for 5 subscribers to usethe feature. A license can be purchased to allow an unlimited number of users. Ifa license is purchased it will need to be entered in the License Key field of theE-mail Gateway screen of System Parameters.Once the licensing is taken care of the next thing to do is set up the errorreporting email destination. This is done on the E-mail Gateway screen ofSystem Parameters. The error reporting email is only used in the event thesystem is unable to deliver a subscriber's email message. The system will sendan alert to the error destination reporting of any failures. Obviously if the systemloses LAN connectivity the error report email cannot be sent either.The first thing that is required is the IP address or DNS name of the email serverto be used. For this example we will use a DNS address ( that we can explain how to allow DNS entries to be used by the system. InSystem Parameters there is a DNS screen. This screen is used to tell the systemwhere to find a Domain Name Server. Contact the LAN administrator to get theaddress of the proper DNS server. Enter this address in the Name Server Addfield and click Add, then click Save. The system is now able to look up DNSaddresses.