OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 7 APRIL 20077. Block ListThe block list is used to display all available blocks and also allow users to edit orremove blocks. To edit a block, simply click the Label Name. The checkboxes on theleft are used for deleting one or more blocks.7.3.5 Block Creation and RemovalThe block creation and removal buttons are used to create new blocks or deleteexisting blocks. To delete a block or blocks check the box next to the appropriateblocks and then click Delete. To create a new block simply click Add.7.3.6 Block NavigationSometimes it may be necessary to edit many of the same block type. For instance,after adding a new Mode block it may be necessary to update all Menu blocks to reflectsome new setting. The block navigation buttons exist to eliminate the need for a user toconstantly reload the block listing to move to another block. Instead the user can usethe block navigation keys to directly load the previous block in the block list by clickingPrev, or to move to the next block on the block list by clicking Next.