OfficeServ 7100 PROGRAMMINGTECHNICAL MANUAL PART 2 MAY 2009MMC: 857 VIRTUAL CABINETSDESCRIPTION: [Applies to v.4.30 or Higher]This MMC is used to configure Virtual Cabinet slots. Virtual Cabinets contain devicesthat are not physical such as SIP trunks, Virtual Single Line Phones, or MOBEXstations. Because these devices are not tied to a physical port they are considered tobe virtual devices and as such reside in a Virtual Cabinet. The OfficeServ 7100 has 6Virtual Cabinets numbered 2 through 7. Each Virtual Cabinet has 3 slots, numbered 1through 3, with 8 ports per slot.MMC 857 configuration directly affects the appearance in the numbering plan(MMC 724) for these devices.The available Virtual Cabinet assignments are shown below, with defaults highlighted ingreen:VirtualCabinet Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3 VirtualCabinets Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3SLT DGP DGP WIRED ITP WIRED ITP WIRED ITPDGP SLT SLT SLT WLAN ITP WLAN ITPWIRED ITP WIRED ITP WIRED ITP DGP SIP STN SIP STNWLAN ITP WLAN ITP WLAN ITP WLAN ITP SPNET TRK SPNET TRKSIP STN SIP STN SIP STN SIP STN SIP TRK SIP TRK2MOBEX STN MOBEX STN MOBEX STN3MOBEX STN MOBEX STN MOBEX STNWLAN ITP NONE GCONF STN SPNET TRK SIP TRK H323 TRKWIRED ITP GCONF STN SPNET TRK GCONF STN GCONF STN GCONF STNSIP STN SPNET TRK SIP TRK SIP TRK SPNET TRK SPNET TRKSPNET TRK SIP TRK MOBEX STN H323 TRK H323 TRK SIP TRKSIP TRK MOBEX STN4MOBEX STN5MOBEX STN MOBEX STN MOBEX STN MOBEX STN MOBEX STN MOBEX STN6DGP DGP DGP7DGP DGP DGP