Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 83LACP ConfigurationLACP is based on the 802.3ad IEEE specification. It allows bundling ofseveral physical interfaces to form a single logical channel providingenhanced performance and redundancy. The aggregated interface is viewed asa single link to each router. Spanning tree views it as one interface.When there is a failure in one physical interface, the other bundled interfacesstay up and there is no disruption.Up to 4 physical Ethernet links can be aggregated into a single logical channel.In this example, three links are configured between the two routers S1 and S2.These three links are assigned the same administrative key(1) so that theyaggregate to form a single channel 1. They are viewed by the STP as oneinterface.Figure 1.2 Link Aggregation ExampleConfiguring Router 1Router#configure terminalRouter/configure# lacp system-priority 20000Router/configure# interface ethernet 1/1Router/configure/interface/ethernet(1/1)# channel-group 10mode activeRouter/configure/interface/ethernet(1/1)# exitRouter/configure# interface ethernet 2/1Router/configure/interface/ethernet(2/1)# channel-group 10mode activeRouter/configure/interface/ethernet(2/1)# exitRouter/configure# interface ethernet 3/1Router/configure/interface/ethernet(3/1)# channel-group 10mode activeRouter/configure/interface/ethernet(3/1)# exitRouter 1 Router 2ethernet 1/1ethernet 2/1ethernet 3/1ethernet 2/1ethernet 3/1ethernet 3/2