Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 171y Peak RateEvery traffic class can be configured with a peak rate parameter, which isthe bandwidth that can be offered to that class if unused bandwidth isavailable from other classes. This provides for very efficient bandwidthutilization. A class can be configured to borrow whatever bandwidth isavailable from its parent class up to the PR limit set for that class.To prevent a class from borrowing, set the CR equal to the PR. Also, notethat a class cannot borrow more than the bundle bandwidth.Classification TypesThe example in Figure 19.1 reserves the largest CR(1536 Kbps) for twoservers, and, which are members of the SrcOne class.The remainder of the subnet is assigned to the SrcTwo class and isconfigured with a CR of 1024 Kbps. Additionally, the SrcTwo class is furtherdivided into application port classes. All other hosts in Figure 19.1, the defaultclass, are configured for a CR of 512 Kbps.The classification type must be the same across a given level of traffic class.Note in Figure 19.1, that the classification type at the first level traffic class isthe source IP address; for the second level, the classification type is theapplication port. Because bandwidth limitations are evaluated from mostspecific to least specific, falls within the SrcOne class.Figure 10.1 Assigning Classification TypesInterface Bundle AppTest2 x T1Bandwidth = 3072 KbpsSrcTwoSrc IP = = 1024 KbpsBR = 3072 KbpsSrcDefSrc IP = defaultCR = 512 KbpsBR = 1024 KbpsSrcOneSrc IP = IP = = 1536 KbpsBR = 3072 KbpsAppSMTPPort = 25CR = 384 KbpsBR = 3072 KbpsAppDefPort = defaultCR = 128 KbpsBR = 3072 KbpsAppHTMLPort = 80CR = 512 KbpsBR = 3072 KbpsTraffic ClassesTraffic Classes