Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 43Bundle ConfigurationThis section describes how to configure a bundle interface. The interfacebundle specifies the physical connection to be linked, an encapsulationprotocol(Layer 2) and, optionally, Layer 3 parameters.Configuring a HSSI frame relay bundleThe following example creates a simple interface bundle utilizing the HSSIinterface and Frame Relay(Layer 2) parameters.Configuring StepStep Command Purpose1 Router# configure terminal Enters the terminalconfiguration mode.2 Router/configure# interface bundle[bundle name]Sets a bundle interface. ‘bundlename’ represents a specificbundle interface to beconfigured at the moment.3 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name]# link hssi 1/0Links a HSSI interface to a waninterface4 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name]# encapsulation frelaySelects Frame Relay as anencapsulation method.5 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name # frEnters the frame relay promptfor setting frame relayparameters.6 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name /fr#Selects a clock rate.7 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name /fr# pvc [channel number]Sets a PVC channel number.Channel range: 16 to 1022.8 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name]/fr/pvc [channel number]#ip address [IP address] { [bit mask] |[number of bits for mask] }Sets an IP address for thePVC.9 Router/configure/interface/bundle[bundle name /fr/pvc [channelnumber]# endReturns to the ‘Router#’prompt.10 Router# show interface {bundle[bundle name] | bundles}Shows configured informationof the bundle interface or allbundle interfaces.