Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 63PPP and MLPPP ConfigurationThis section shows how to configure interfaces with PPP and MLPPP.Configuring MLPPP for Ubigate iBG2016 at Main SiteConfiguring StepStep Command Purpose1 Router# configure terminal Goes into the terminalconfiguration mode.2 Router/configure# interface bundle[bundle name]Sets a bundle interface.‘bundle name’ represents aspecific bundle interface to beconfigured at the moment.3 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# link ct3[slot/port/channel(s)]Links a channelized T3 interfaceto a wan interface4 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# encapsulation pppSelects PPP as an encapsulationmethod.5 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# mlppp seg_threshold[64~4500]differenctial_delay [0~128]Selects PPP as an encapsulationmethod.6 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# ip address [IP address]{ [bit mask] | [number of bits formask] }Sets an IP address for theinterface.7 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# exitReturns to the upperconfiguration mode.8 Router/configure# interface bundle[bundle name]Sets a bundle interface.‘bundle name’ represents aspecific bundle interface to beconfigured at the moment.9 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# link ct3[slot/port/channel(s)]Links a channelized T3 interfaceto a wan interface10 Router/configure/bundle/[bundlename]# encapsulation pppSelects PPP as an encapsulationmethod.