Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 655Call-admission SpikeThis is the function that cuts calls, monitoring when incoming calls reach theirpeak in a certain period. To set up this function, use ‘call-admission spike’which is global CAC configuration command, to release it use ‘no’ command.call-admission spike [ steps size ]no call-admission spike y call-number-The number of incoming calls to set as the spike threshold.The range is from 1 to 2, 147, 483, 647.y steps-The number of steps in a sliding window. The range is from 3 to 10.y size-The size of the step in milliseconds. The range is from 100 to 2000.A user is able to limit incoming calls in intervals of size time using call-admission spike command. Size and step make windows, the windows aremade by size intervals, and a size of a window would be size*step.The relationship between size and step is drawn in the figure below.Call-admission spike command is a command that limits incoming callsavailable in a window. Information on windows is created every size time, andwindows exist as many as steps.Figure 10.3 Call-admission spike window sizesizeWindow 1(step 5) Window 6(step 5)Window 2(step 5)Window 3(step 5)Window 4(step 5)Window 5(step 5)Call spike window size