Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 593Dialed Number AnalysisDial PlansFixed-Length Dial PlansSince the length of the telephone number in most cases is already known,fixed-length dialing plan where all the dial-peers possess the fixed length ofdestination-pattern is enough in the most voice network. However, theparticular international phone that can be used with different length oftelephone number needs variable-length dial plan.Variable-Length Dial PlansInput T-indicator representing timeout at the end of destination of outboundvoice-network dial peer and wait for inputting additional digit after receiving theUbigate iBG2016-fixed length of dial string. Timeout letter is ‘T’ in capital letter.The following dial-peer configuration is the example of configuring T-indicatorto enable variable-length dial string.dial-peer voice voip 1y destination-pattern 3456Ty session-target ip-address ipv4: the above example, Ubigate iBG2016 waits inputting the additional digitwhich is undefined after receiving the number 3456. If inter digit time doesnot exceed, inputting digit up to the maximum of 31 is possible. If inter digittime exceeds, Ubigate iBG2016 connects call.The basic value of inter digit timeout is 10 seconds. If this value does not change,it takes 10 seconds of call setup time per each call before timer completes. Thus, itis necessary to regulate inter digit time by using ‘timeouts interdigits’ voice-portmode command if users want to use variable-length dial plan.By inputting ‘#’ or ‘*’ letter, caller can end inter digit timeout immediately.While ‘#’ or ‘*’ letter waits inputting the additional dial digit, ‘#’ or ‘*letter is recognized as the end letter on the moment of inputting. ‘#’ or ‘*’letter is not recognized as dial digit and also is not transmitted to the oppositePBX. However, if ‘#’ or ‘*’ letter is inputted before waiting entering theadditional digit it is recognized as dialed digit.