CHAPTER 11. Management660 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.StatisticsUbigate iBG2016 statistics displays the numerical value of accumulation afterbooting up of the system. The objects of Ubigate iBG2016 statistics are asfollowings.y Call statistics-whole call statistics, POTS call statistics, VoIP call statistics.y Protocol statistics-SIP, H323 protocol statistics.y Dial peer statistics.Call statistics.It displays the statistics of both POTS and VoIP call.Call Statistics CommandTable 11.3 Call Statistics commandCommand Explanationshow statistics { call | pots-call |voip-call }checks statistics of whole call, POTS call,and VoIP callclear statistics { all | call } initializes statistics of whole call, callCall Statistics ItemTable 11.4 Call Statistics ItemItem Object explanationInbound TotalCalls NumPOTS, VoIP, Call Incoming call numberOutbound TotalCallse NumPOTS, VoIP, Call Outgoing call numberInboundSuccess CallsNumPOTS, VoIP, Call Incoming successful calls- number of incoming calls that receivedanswersOutboundSuccess CallsNumPOTS, VoIP, Call Outgoing successful calls- number of outgoing calls that receivedanswersInbound FailedCalls NumPOTS, VoIP, Call Incoming failed calls- number of incoming calls that failed