Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 225Configuring AuthenticationThe Ubigate system is configured to authenticate users on a port basis.For example, if you want to configure a port of Ethernet 2/3 with a RADIUSauthentication method, you may follow the example shown below.Router# configure terminalRouter/configure# aaaRouter/configure/aaa# authentication login list1radius/local/noneRouter/configure/aaa# exitRouter/configure# interface ethernet 2/3Router/configure/interface/ethernet(2/3)# aaa authenticationlist1 list1Router/configure/interface/ethernet(2/3)# endRouter# show aaa interface ethernet 2/3To apply a authentication method to all ports, you may use ‘default’ list shownin the following example.Router# configure terminalRouter/configure# aaaRouter/configure/aaa# authentication login defaultradius/local/noneRouter/configure/aaa# exitConfiguring RADIUSRouter# configure terminalRouter/configure# aaaRouter/configure/aaa# radiusRouter/configure/aaa/radius# primary_server shared_key45J1T4nRouter/configure/aaa/radius# secondary_server exitYou can also configure the accounting port(default 1813), authenticationport(default 1812), the number of retries(default 3 times), and the timeout(default 8 seconds) to use other than the default values. For example, toconfigure the accounting port to be 1580, the authentication port to be 1670,the number of retries to be 4, and the time out to be 20 seconds, enter: