Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 657CHAPTER 11. ManagementAlarmThere are 7 alarms and 2 faults in relation to voice from Ubigate iBG2016Gateway.AlarmThere are mainly 5 types of alarms in relation to voice. The alarms are inrelation to Call Count, DSP channel, SIP entity, H323 gatekeeper, and FXSport. The detailed alarm list is described in Table 36.1 below.Each alarm is created automatically and when it is restored alarm is clearedautomatically.A user can check logging about RAISE/CLEAR of alarm using ‘show systemlogging buffered’.Table 11.1 Alarm ListAlarm Name Level DescriptionMaximumCallLimitMaj Major Exceeding a threshold of the systemmaximum call limit(Major thresholds)MaximumCallLimitMin Minor Exceeding a threshold of the systemmaximum call limit(Minor thresholds)DSPChannelLimitMaj Major Exceeding a threshold of the DSP channelcapacity limit(Major thresholds)DSPChannelLimitMin Minor Exceeding a threshold of the DSP channelcapacity limit(Minor thresholds)SIPEntityFail Major Connection fails between iBG and SIP entitygwgkFailAlarm Major Connection fails between H.323 entityFXOConnect Minor Notify that FXO port is connected when usingLoop-Start ONLY