CHAPTER 8. Routing and Digit Manipulation570 © SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.Single dial peer is associated with each call leg. In dial peer, components suchas codec, voice activity detectection(VAD) and fax rate are defined. For voicecall, four dial peer like the above figure should be configured.According to call leg, single call is made possible using the following twotypes of dial peer.y POTS-is dial peer to define characters of PSTN network. Generally, POTSdial peer connects particular voice port of local PSTN, PBX or telephoneand dialed string.y VoIP-is dial peer to define necessary components in connecting packetnetwork. It is IP address of Destination Ubigate iBG2016.To connect voice call through packet network, both POTS and VoIP dial peerare necessary.Inbound and Outbound Dial PeersDial peer is used in both inbound and outbound call leg. The meaning ofInbound and outbound is defined from Ubigate iBG2016 aspect. When callenters Ubigate iBG2016, inbound call leg occurs. Outbound call leg occurswhen call exits from Ubigate iBG2016.Both figure 33.2 and figure 33.3 are the cases to be applied to callthrough packet network. If originating and terminating POTS interfaceare in the same Ubigate iBG2016, it is sufficient with two POTS dialpeers.Figure 8.2 Call Legs from the Perspective of the Originating RouteriBG2016 BIP NetworkiBG2016 APBX A PBX BSource DestinationInboundPOTS call legOutboundVolP call leg