Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 685Configuring Translation for Survivable TelephonyDigit translation is also applicable in Survivable telephony mode. This is amechanism that handles numbers, automatically modifying or adding areacode or prefix of calling and called number. It is applicable not only totranslation rule but also translation profile. Translation rule is prior to profile.How to Configure Translation Ruley Summary Steps− configure terminal− voice translation-rule rule-set-id− rule precedence /match-pattern/ /replace-pattern/− exity Detailed StepsStep Command Purpose1 configure terminalExample)# configure terminalEnters global configurationmode.2 voice translation-rule rule-set-idExample)/configure# voice translation-rule rule-set-idDefines a translation rule forvoice calls and enters voicetranslatioon-ruleconfiguration mode.3 rule-match-replace num /match-pattern//replace-pattern/ [match-type type] [replace-type type] [match-plan plan] [replace-planplan]Example)/configure/voice/translation-rule rule-set-id #rule-match-replace num /match-pattern//replace-pattern/Defines a translation rule.4 ExitExample)/configure/voice/translation-rule rule-set-id #exitExits the current mode