Ubigate iBG2016 Configuration Guide/Ed.00© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 211Router/configure/interface/bundle wan1/qos/policy-class dscpaf11#redminth-red 10 minth-yellow 15 minth-green 20 maxredminth-red 10minth-yellow 15 minth-green 20 maxth-red 16 maxthyellow24 maxth-green 25Router/configure/interface/bundle wan1/qos/policy-class dscpaf11#Router/configure/interface/bundle wan1/qos/policy-class dscpaf11#redminth 20 maxth 25 dscp 10Router/configure/interface/bundle wan1/qos/policy-class dscpaf11#QoS StatisticsThe following policy-class level statistics are supported in this release.Traffic Statistics------------------Avg Rate Out: 0 Kbps Avg Pending Q: 0 pktsAvg Rate In: 0 Kbps Current Q: 0 pkts, 0 bytesCurrent WRED Q: 0 pktsMax recorded Q: 0 pkts, 0 bytesCounters since last boot/clear: -- Packet drop detailsPackets Forwarded: 0 Queue overflow: 0Bytes Forwarded: 0 No buffers: 0Packets Dropped: 0 Policing pkts dropped: 0Bytes Dropped: 0 RED pkts dropped: 0WRED Statistics:Color Pkts Fwd Pkts Fwd Pkts Dropd Pkts Dropd controlBelow Minth Minth-Maxth Minth-Maxth Above Maxth Pkts------+-----------+------------+-----------+---------------------green 0 0 0 0 0yellow 0 0 0 0 0red 0 0 0 0 0Ingress and egress FR-QoS on FR PVCsThe QoS configuration for Frame Relay is same as for regular PPP bundles,except the QoS feature configuration using ‘enable ’command. This command is allowed at FR bundle level QoS context, and isnot allowed FR PVC’s QoS context.