Ver.CHAPTER 3. Data Network Function© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. page 112 of 4962600-00FK1RGA4 Policy-map Configuration1) Go to the fqm mode to configure the configure ACL rule of CLI.APC# configure terminalAPC/configure# fqm-mode2) Go to policy-map mode. To delete a policy map, enter ‘no’ parameter in front of thecommand. policy-map [POLICY_MAP_NAME] no policy-map [POLICY_MAP_NAME]3) By using the class name configured in the class-map, go to the input mode. class [CLASSMAP_NAME]4) Configure a policy-map using the following command.[Bandwidth to a class of traffic] bandwidth percentage [PERCENTAGE_VALUE][Configure set action] mark cos [COS_VALUE] mark ip dscp [DSCP_VALUE] mark ip precedence [PRECEDENCE_VALUE] mark priority [PRIORITY_VALUE][Configure police action] police trtcm cir [1-1000] cbs [125000-125000000] pir [1-1000] pbs [125000-125000000] conform-action(drop|(dscp [0-63]|ip [0-7])|transmit) exceed-action(drop|(dscp [0-63]|ip [0-7])|transmit) violate-action(drop|(dscp [0-63]|ip [0-7])|transmit)(color-aware|color-blind|)[Peak rate to a class of traffic] queue-limit [QUEUE_NUM][Peak rate to a class of traffic] shape-peak [PEAK_RATE]5) Exit the policy-map mode. exit6) To check the configuration information, use the ‘show running-config network’command.