Ver.CHAPTER 4. AP Connection Management© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. page 144 of 4962600-00FK1RGA4 3.0Configuring NTP type using CLI1) Go to the ap-time-config mode of configure apc group.WEC8500# configure terminalWEC8500/configure# apcWEC8500/configure/apc# ap-time-configWEC8500/configure/apc/ap-time-config#2) Add the NTP server information to transmit to an AP. Maximum 10 NTP serverinformation can be added. To delete the configured NTP server information, enter ‘no’parameter in front of the command add-ntp [NTP_SERVER_ADDRESS] no add-ntp [NTP_SERVER_ADDRESS] ntp-interval [NUMBER]3) Go to profile time-config mode of configure ap-group.WEC8500# configure terminalWEC8500/configure# ap-group apg_01WEC8500/configure/ap-group apg_01# profileWEC8500/configure/ap-group apg_01/profile# time-configWEC8500/configure/ap-group apg_01/profile/time-config#4) Configure the method of transmitting the time information to an AP as ‘ntp’. mode ntp5) To check the time synchronization information per configured AP group, execute the‘show ap-group time-config’ command.6) To check the NTP server information of an AP, execute the ‘show ap time-config ntp’command.