WEC8500/WEC8050 (APC) Operation Manual v10.1 242©Samsung Electronics Americaclient in a DNS.• RANGE POOL: Set IPV6 address range to be assigned to DHCP client• First/Second/Third DNS SERVER: Configures a DNS server that will beused by a DHCP client.• First/Second/Third NTP SERVER: Configures a NTP server that will beused by a DHCP client.• CAPWAP OPTION: Configure IP of CAPWAP DHCP OPTIONRetrieving Number of DHCP PacketsTo check the number of DHCP packets that the DHCP server receives, execute the ‘showip dhcp statistics’ command.DHCP RelayThe DHCP relay forwards a DHCP packet received from a client through broadcast to theDHCP server. Because it switches with the DHCP proxy, the DHCP relay is enabled whenthe DHCP proxy is disabled.The DHCP relay is working in the unit of interface. It is disabled in the ‘mgmt0’ and ‘lo’interface. The DHCP relay is not working even when no IP address is configured in theinterface.Configuration using CLIThe procedure of changing to the DHCP relay is as follows:1 Go to the configure mode of the CLI.WEC8500# configure terminal2 Switch to the DHCP relay.The relay and proxy are operating in the switching mode. If a proxy is notused, it is operating in the relay mode.WEC8500/configure # no ip dhcp-proxy enable3 To check the configured DHCP information, use the ‘show ip dhcp-proxy’command.The DHCP IPV6 has no concept of a proxy. The procedure forconfiguring a DHCPIPV6 relay is as follows:4 Go to the configure mode in the CLIWEC8500# configure terminal5 Configure DHCP Relay IP.DHCP IPV6 Relay agent can be set up to maximum of two.Range of Timeout is 5s to 120s.