WEC8500/WEC8050 (APC) Operation Manual v10.1 462©Samsung Electronics America2 ‘Disable’ the traffic performance information management.WEC8500/configure# no stats-report enable3 To check the configured information, use the ‘show stats-report conf’command.Managing Real-time Information Collection1 Go to the configure mode of the CLI.WEC8500# configure terminalWEC8500/configure#2 To collect real-time information, execute the following command. At thistime, you must specify the name and status of an interface whoseinformation will be collected.o stats-report current-stats [INTERFACE_NAME] [STATE]Parameter DescriptionINTERFACE_NAME Name of an interface to collect or stop collectionSTATE Status of real-time information (start/stop)• start: Starts real-time information collection• stop: Stops or initializes the real-time informationcollection.3 To check the entered information, use the ‘show stats-report conf’command.4 To check the information of a configured interface when the real-timeinformation collection is configured, execute the following command:o show stats-report current-stats [INTERFACE_NAME]If the real-time information collection is suspended or initialized, youcannot check the real-time information of the interface.WEC8500/configure# show stats-report current-stats ge3Error: This interface was not configured to gather statistics.