Service Manual September 2015Platform Controls94 ZX-135/70 Part No. 218700How to Adj ust the Functi on SpeedsHow to Adjust the FunctionSpeedsNote: Perform this procedure with the boom in thestowed position.Note: Use the following chart to identify thedescription of each LCD screen control button usedin this procedure.Plus Minus Previous Enter1 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to theon position at both the ground and platformcontrols.2 Press and hold the enter button on the groundcontrol panel while turning the key switch toplatform controls. Hold the enter button forapproximately 5 seconds.3 Press the plus button twice, then press theminus button twice.4 Press the previous button until the function tobe adjusted is displayed.5 Press the plus button to increase the speed orpress the minus button to decrease thespeed.6 Press the enter button to save the setting inmemory.7 Press the enter or previous button on theLCD screen until EXIT is displayed.8 Press the plus button or minus button toselect YES and then press the enter button.9 Continue to perform this procedure until themachine function speed meets specification.Refer to Specifications, PerformanceSpecifications.How to Adj ust the Functi on R amp R ate Setti ngHow to Adjust the Function RampRate SettingThe ramp rate setting of a joystick controls the timeat which it takes for the joystick to reach maximumoutput, when moved out of the neutral position. Theramp rate settings of a joystick can be changed tocompensate for hydraulic pump wear to maintainpeak performance from the machine.Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in thestowed position.Note: Use the following chart to identify thedescription of each LCD screen control button usedin this procedure.Plus Minus Previous Enter1 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button to theon position at both the ground and platformcontrols.2 Press and hold the enter button on the groundcontrol panel while turning the key switch toplatform controls. Hold the enter button forapproximately 5 seconds.3 Press the plus button twice, then press theprevious button twice.4 Press the previous button until the function tobe adjusted is displayed.5 Press the plus button to increase the ramprate or press the minus button to decrease theramp rate.6 Press the enter button to save the setting inmemory.7 Press the enter or previous button on theLCD screen until EXIT is displayed.8 Press the plus button or minus button toselect YES and then press the enter button.