September 2015 Service ManualChecklist D ProceduresPart No. 218700 ZX-135/70 71Turntable Rotate Drive Hub:1 Secure the turntable from rotating with theturntable rotation lock pin.2 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hosesto the drive hub drive motor and brake foreach drive hub assembly.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.3 Attach a suitable lifting device to the lifting eyeof one turntable rotate drive hub assembly.4 Remove the drive hub mounting bolts fromone drive hub assembly. Carefully remove theturntable rotate drive hub assembly from themachine. Do not remove both turntable rotatedrive hub assemblies at the same time.Crushing hazard. The turntablerotate drive hub assembly couldbecome unbalanced and fallwhen removed from the machineif not properly supported by thelifting device.1 drive hub mounting bolts2 drive hub fill plug3 drive hub drain plug5 Remove the plug from the side of the drivehub. Drain the oil from the hub into a suitablecontainer.6 Install the drive hub assembly onto themachine. Lubricate and torque the drive hubmounting bolts to specification. Refer toSpecifications, Machine TorqueSpecifications.7 Fill the drive hub with oil from the top hole untilthe oil level is even with the bottom of thethreads. Apply pipe thread sealant to the plug.Install the plug. Refer to Specifications, FluidCapacity Specifications.8 Repeat steps 3 through 7 for the otherturntable rotate drive hub assembly.9 Adjust turntable rotation gear backlash. Referto Repair Procedure, How to Adjust theTurntable Rotation Gear Backlash.