September 2015 Service ManualChecklist E ProceduresPart No. 218700 ZX-135/70 77E-1Test or Replace the Hydraulic OilGenie specifications require that this procedure beperformed every 2000 hours or every two years,whichever comes first.Perform this procedure more often if dustyconditions exist.Replacement or testing of the hydraulic oil isessential for good machine performance andservice life. Dirty oil and a clogged suction straineror hydraulic filters may cause the machine toperform poorly and continued use may causecomponent damage. Extremely dirty conditionsmay require oil changes to be performed morefrequently.Note: Before replacing the hydraulic oil, the oil maybe tested by an oil distributor for specific levels ofcontamination to verify that changing the oil isnecessary. If the hydraulic oil is not replaced at thetwo year inspection, test the oil quarterly. Replacethe oil when it fails the test.Note: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hoseend must be replaced. All connections must betorqued to specification during installation. Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in thestowed position.1 Close the two hydraulic tank shut-off valves atthe hydraulic tank.Component damage hazard.The engine must not be startedwith the hydraulic tank shut-offvalves in the closed position orcomponent damage will occur. Ifthe tank valves are closed,remove the key from the keyswitch and tag the machine toinform personnel of thecondition.2 Remove the drain plug from the hydraulic tankand completely drain the tank into a containerof suitable capacity. Refer to Specifications,Machine Specifications.3 Tag, disconnect and plug the two suctionhoses from the hydraulic tank.4 Tag, disconnect and plug the two supplyhoses for the auxiliary power units. Cap thefittings on the hydraulic tank.5 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hosefrom the drive motor case drain filter at thehydraulic tank. Cap the fitting on the hydraulictank.6 Tag, disconnect and plug the hydraulic hose atthe return filter. Cap the fitting on the returnfilter housing.7 Remove the turntable cover using a suitablelifting device.Crushing hazard. The turntablecover may become unbalancedand fall if not properly supportedand secured to a suitable liftingdevice.8 Remove the ground control box mountingfasteners. Move the ground control box out ofthe way.