Service Manual September 2015Boom Components118 ZX-135/70 Part No. 2187004-1Primary Boom Cable TrackThe primary boom cable track guides the cablesand hoses running up the boom. It can be repairedlink by link without removing the cables and hosesthat run through it. Removing the entire primaryboom cable track is only necessary whenperforming major repairs that involve removing theprimary boom.How to Remove the PrimaryBoom Cable TrackNote: When removing a hose assembly or fitting,the O-ring (if equipped) on the fitting and/or hoseend must be replaced. All connections must betorqued to specification during installation. Refer toSpecifications, Hydraulic Hose and Fitting TorqueSpecifications.Note: Perform this procedure with the machine ona firm, level surface.Note: Perform this procedure with the boom in thestowed position.1 Remove the cover from the lower jib boomcable track.2 Tag and disconnect the electrical connectorsinside the lower cable track.3 Remove the hose and cable clamp retainingfasteners from lower cable track at the pivotend of the jib boom. Remove the clamps.4 Pull the electrical cables out of the lower cabletrack that lead to the primary boom.Component damage hazard.Cables can be damaged if theyare kinked or pinched.5 Tag and disconnect the electrical connectorsfrom the jib boom manifold located at theplatform end of the primary extension boom.6 Tag, disconnect and plug the two hydraulichoses from the jib boom manifold that lead tothe platform manifold. Cap the fittings on themanifold.Bodily injury hazard. Sprayinghydraulic oil can penetrate andburn skin. Loosen hydraulicconnections very slowly to allowthe oil pressure to dissipategradually. Do not allow oil tosquirt or spray.7 Remove the retaining fasteners from the hoseand cable guide at the platform end of theprimary boom. Remove the hose and cableguide.8 Tag and disconnect the electrical connectorfrom the limit switch on the side of the primaryboom. Do not remove the limit switch.9 Remove the cotter pin from the upper cabletrack tube at the platform end of the primaryextension boom.Note: Always replace the cotter pin with a new one.10 Remove the retaining fasteners from the cabletrack guide at the platform end of the boom.Remove the cable track guide from themachine.11 Place blocks between the upper and lowercable tracks and secure the upper and lowertracks together.Crushing hazard. If the upperand lower cable tracks are notproperly secured together, thecable track could becomeunbalanced and fall whenremoved from the machine.