UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 28Revision 11/01.17 Of 14512.2. Menu ListsThe menu displays detailed information associated to the current state of the fire control paneland the addressable devices, as well as for the configuration and the setup of the control panel.Menu Lists contains the following subordinate menus and information screens; Menu Faults; Menu Disables; Menu Tests; Menu Input messages; Menu Activated outputs; Screen Panel configuration; Menu Panel parameters; Menu Loops; Menu Zones; Menu Devices status; Menu Inputs; Menu Archive; Menu Select Loc/Rem control panel.12.2.1. Menu FaultsUse the menu to display detailed information for faults in the fire control panel and in addressabledevices.Menu Faults contains the following subordinate menus: Меню Total – displays information for all fault conditions; Menu Zones – displays information only for zones in fault condition; Menu Devices – displays information only for devices in fault condition; Menu Outputs – displays information only for outputs in fault condition (monitored outputs andaddressable output devices); Menu „LAN objects” – to display information for remote control panels (Appendix InteractiveFire Control Panel IFS7002 – Local Network Operation).The four subordinate menushave identical layout. If no faults aredetected (or no faults of a specifictype are detected) the followingscreen appears:Mode:DAY LOC ActInp 0000 11:45:23 Thu 11 Feb 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSList/Faults/TotalNO FAULTS