UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 57Revision 11/01.17 Of 145 If disabled addressableoutput modules are available– the first disabledaddressable output modulewill be displayed, and the textmessage for the device willappear in the panel bottomsection:Buttons and seen in theright panel section allow the user toswitch between the next and theprevious disabled addressable outputmodule (if any).Using the digit buttons you mayenter in the Go to field a random 3-digit address for the module in theloop. To edit the number pressbutton and the last entered digit will be deleted.When you press button after a number is entered in the Go to field, the status of theaddressable output module whose number is selected, will be displayed: If the selected number is 0, the status of Device 1 will be displayed; If the selected number is higher than 125, the status of Device 125 will be displayed.Simultaneously, the number in the Go to field will be deleted; i.e. the field is deactivated.When you press button the addressable output module status is being changedalternatively from DISABLED to ENABLED and reverse; in the panel bottom left section appears areminder Data not saved. Changes (disable/enable addressable output module) are accepted if youpress button and the Go to field is empty – then the reminder Data not saved disappears.12.3.2. Menu Zones in TestThe menu is used to enable or disable test operation in fire alarm zones. Enter the menu todisplay one of the two screens: If no zones in test areavailable:СMode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 15:19:22 Mon 22 Mar 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSSystem functions/Test/Zones Go to:Zones in test - total 000ZONE:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 :СMode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 15:09:10 Mon 22 Mar 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSFaults total: 00000Disables total: 003Failed Outputs: 00000Disabled outputs: 001System functions/Disables/Devices Go to:Disabled Outputs - total Loop1 002Loop 1OUTPUT: 005 DISABLEDPoint 1.0050 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 С