UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 53Revision 11/01.17 Of 145 Where records of events forthe specified period areavailable – the record of thefirst (the most recent) event:Buttons and on the rightpanel section are enabled if morethan one record is available in thearchive; they allow the user to switchbetween the next and the previousrecord (if any).Using the digit buttons to enter inthe Go to field a random 4-digitnumber for the event in the selectedfilter. To edit the number pressbutton and the last digit will bedeleted.Press button to display the record whose number is in the Go to field: If no number is entered or the number is 0, the first (the most recent) record will be selected; If the number is higher than the actual numbers of all records in the archive, the last (theoldest) record will be selected.Simultaneously, the number in the Go to field is deleted.12.2.13. Menu Select Loc/Rem. Control Panel – to select a particular control panel that willundergo set up or which parameters, events or status will be reviewed (Appendix Interactive FireControl Panel IFS7002 – Local Network Operation).12.3. Menu System functionsThe menu contains the following subordinate menus and functions: Disables; Zones in test; Set Clock; Set Mode; Check LEDs and Buzzer.Access to the subordinate menusis allowed at Access Level 2, so assoon as you enter the menu, ascreen for password will appear:Enter the password using thedigit buttons – press a button toinsert a digit on the place of thecursor „_”; the previous text and thecursor move one position to the right.Move the cursor to the left or to theright using buttons and .Press the button to delete: The digit under the cursor; The digit to the left of thecursor if no digit is availableunder the cursor.The maximum length of the password is 10 symbols. If you press a digit button after the 10-symbol password is entered, the digit is not accepted and will not be entered.Mode: DAY LOC АctInp 0000 14:26:19 Fri 19 Маr 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSArchive Between dates Records 0011 Go to:_0001 Record Nо 0004 Fault in mains supply19:01:46 Thursday 17-03-20050 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ССMode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 16:01:09 Fri 19 Маr 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSPASSWORD Level 2Enter password: _0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СС