UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 29Revision 11/01.17 Of 145If faults are detected, the followingscreen appears:Each message can be displayedin a few lines – from 1 to 4. It bringsout the following information Text for the type of the fault –this information is mandatory; Information for the device(zone – if the device is firedetector, loop and address) –in case the fault condition isin an addressable device; Text message for the zone –visualized if the faultcondition is in an addressablefire detector; Text message for the device– visualized if the fault condition is in an addressable device.Buttons and situated in the right panel section scroll the pages up and down – next pageor previous page (if any are available). One page contains two messages for fault condition.12.2.2. Menu DisablesThe menu displays detailed information for disabled zones, disabled addressable devices andmonitored outputs of the fire control panel.Menu Disables contains the following subordinate menus and screens: Screen Total – displays information for all disables; Menu Zones – displays information only for disabled zones; Menu Devices – displays information only for disabled addressable fire detectors; Menu Outputs – display information only for disabled outputs (monitored outputs andaddressable output devices). Screen TotalIf no disables are set, thefollowing screen appears:Mode:DAY LOC ActInp 0000 11:44:29 Thu 11 Feb 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSFaults Total: 00003/00001*Disables Total: 000Failed Outputs: 00000Disabled Outputs: 000List/Faults/Total 00030001 Fault in Zone 003Zone: Zone 0030002 Removed DeviceZone003 Loop001 Addr003Zone: Zone 003Addr: Point 1.003FauMode:DAY LOC ActInp 0000 11:45:23 Thu 11 Feb 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSList/Disables/TotalNO DISABLES