UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 54Revision 11/01.17 Of 145If wrong password is entered, when you press button the digits will be deleted and thecursor will move back to the first position. If one of the 10 passwords for Access Level 2 or AccessLevel 3 is entered, when you press button the menu will become active.12.3.1. Menu DisablesThe menu is provided for disabling fire alarm zones, addressable devices and monitored outputsof the control panel. It contains the following subordinate menus: Menu Zones – provided for disabling fire alarm zones; Menu Devices – provided for disabling addressable fire detectors; Menu Outputs – provided for disabling outputs – monitored outputs and addressable input-output modules. Menu ZonesEnter the menu to disable or enable fire alarm zones. Two screens are available here: If no disabled zones areavailable: If disabled zones areavailable – the first disabledzone is displayed, and in thebottom section of the panelappears text message for thezone:Buttons and in the rightpanel section allow the user to switchbetween the next disabled zone andthe previous disabled zone (if any).Using the digit buttons you mayenter in the Go to field a random 3-digit number for a fire alarm zone. Toedit the number press button ,and the last entered digit will bedeleted.When you press button after a number is entered in the Go to field, the status of the zonewhose number is selected will be displayed: If the selected number is 0, the status of Fire alarm zone 1 will be displayed;Mode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 16:41:18 Fri 19 Mar 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSSystem functions/Disables/Zones Go to:Disabled Zones – total 000ZONE:0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СMode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 16:41:18 Fri 19 Mar 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSFaults total: 00000Disables total: 003Failed Outputs: 00000Disabled outputs: 001System functions/Disables/Zones Go to:Disabled Zones - total 002ZONE: 001 DISABLEDZone 0010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 СС