UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 8Revision 11/01.17 Of 145maximum of 125 devices (addressable fire detectors and/or addressable executive devices) can beintegrated into each loop.FIRE CONDITION STAGE I – phase 1 of Fire condition; upon activation of automatic fire detectorthe fire control panel enters Fire condition until the specified time expires. The common and local lightindicators, local sound signaling and a text message displayed on the LCD display indicate the phase.FIRE CONDITION STAGE II – phase 2 of Fire condition; the fire control panel enters Firecondition stage II when: a) the time for Fire condition stage I has expired or b) upon activation of amanual call point. The common light indicators, local sound signaling and a text message displayedon the LCD display indicate the phase.INTERRUPTED LOOP OR MONITORED OUTPUT – non-fatal fault condition due to currentvalue in a loop or in monitored output lower than the threshold value. The user shall define thethreshold value separately for each loop.COINCIDENCE MODE– mode of operation of the fire alarm zones, that requires activation of atleast two automatic fire detectors in a zone so the fire control panel is able to enter Fire condition,phase Fire condition stage I, in this particular zone (see section 6.3).RELAY OUTPUT – a relay, potential-free switching outputs provided for controlling externalexecutive devices.POWER LOOP – a two-wire connection supplying power to addressable executive devices incase their consumption exceeds the load carrying capacity of the fire alarm loops, which they havebeen integrated into. IFS7002 has 1 power loop, its load carrying capacity is 1000 mA.SYSTEM ERROR – fatal fault condition due to a fault in system’s basic componentSYSTEM OPERATION – the fire control panel executes internal operations to set its registers.This is visualized on the LCD display with a text message for system operations, before the user isallowed to proceed with his work with IFS7002.DEVICE REMOVED – non-fatal fault condition due to removed device (addressable fire detectorof a specific zone and/or addressable executive device).FATAL FAULT CONDITION – fault condition that prevents the fire control panel from continuingits operation. The indication is common light indication, local sound indication and text messages onthe LCD display.3. FunctionInteractive Fire Control Panel IFS7002 is designed to operate with addressable automatic firedetectors and manual call points. It controls addressable executive devices integrated into fire alarmloops. The addressable executive devices can be power supplied from the fire alarm loop or from apower loop. The panel has outputs provided for integration of external executive devices.4. Technical data4.1. Physical configuration 2 fire alarm loops 1 power loop 2 monitored outputs 2 relay outputs for fire condition 1 relay output for fault conditions4.2. Fire alarm zones Maximum number of zones - 250 Maximum number of fire detectors in a zone - 604.3. Fire alarm loops