UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 87Revision 11/01.17 Of 14513.5.3. Menu Zone parametersThe menu is provided for zoneparameters set up: Manual call point priority –when the manual call pointshave priority, their responsewill trigger Fire conditionphase 2 in the zone; if theydo not have priority, theirresponse will trigger Firecondition phase 1 in thezone; i.e. they will be treatedas automatic fire detectors; Coincidence mode – whenset to this mode, the zone willenter Fire condition phase 1 ifat least 2 low priority firedetectors are activated; Time Fire Phase 1 – Phase 2 – the delay time before the control panel proceeds from firecondition stage I to fire condition stage II in the zone; Inspection time – period of time that, when you press button , will be added to theremaining time for transition from Fire condition stage I to Fire condition stage II in a zone.To edit parameters Manual call point priority and Coincidence Mode use button – bypressing the button you can change the value of the parameter alternatively form Yes to No and viseversa.To edit parameters Time Fire Phase 1 – Phase 2 and Inspection time use the digit buttons. Whenyou press button the digit at the left side of the cursor will be deleted. If the values for Time FirePhase 1 – Phase 2 and Inspection time are higher than 255, they will be automatically replaced by255 as soon as the last digit is entered.СMode: DAY LOC 15:41:44 Thu 25 Mar 2010SetUp Zone 1 Zone parametersManual call point Priority: YesCoincidence Mode: NoTime Fire Phase 1 – Phase 2: 120 sInspection time: 120 s0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 С