UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 58Revision 11/01.17 Of 145 If some zones in test areavailable, the first zone in testwill be displayed, and in thepanel bottom section willappear the text message ofthe zone:Buttons and seen in theright panel section allow the user toswitch between the next and theprevious zone in test (if any).Using the digit buttons you mayenter in the Go to field a random 3-digit number of the zone. To edit thenumber press button and the lastentered digit will be deleted.When you press button after a number is entered in the Go to field, the status of the zonewhose number is selected, will be displayed: If the selected number is 0, the status of Zone 1 will be displayed; If the selected number is higher than 250, the status of Zone 250 will be displayed. If the zone has not been formed yet, instead of text message of the zone appears Disabledzone; If the zone has not been formed yet, instead of text message of the zone appears Free zone;Simultaneously, the number in the Go to field will be deleted; i.e. the field is deactivated.By pressing the button the zone status is alternatively changed from IN TEST to NOT INTEST and reverse, and in the bottom left section appears the reminder Data not saved. The changes(enable/disable test operation in fire alarm zone) take effect if button is pressed (and the Go tofield is empty); then the reminder Data not saved is cleared.12.3.3. Function Set ClockThe function is used to set thereal time clock of the control panel tothe correct time. Enter the function todisplay the screen:Calendar date, day of the week,the time and the value of thecalibration index are visualized, asper the moment when the functionwas activated. The cursor is locatedover the first position in the first line(Date).Buttons and in the rightpanel section allow the user to movebetween the lines on the screen.To set the correct date and time(line one and three) use: The digit buttons – to enter a specific digit on the position of the cursor; Buttons and – to move the cursor one position to the left or one position to the right.Mode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 15:19:22 Mon 22 Mar 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSSystem functions/Test/Zones Go to:Zones in test - total 002ZONE: 001 IN TESTZone 0010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ССMode:DAY LOC АctInp 0000 15:56:31 Mon 22 Mar 2010FIRE CONTROL PANEL IFS7002UniPOSSystem functions/ClockDate (dd-mm-yy):21-03-05Day: MondayTime (hh:mm:ss):15:56:31Calibration: +100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 С