UniPOS IFS7002 two signal loopsInstruction Manual Page 92Revision 11/01.17 Of 145When you press button and the Go to field is empty, the list of outputs activated by theaddressable input will be deleted. When the last output from the list is deleted, a screen with themessage No addressable outputs activated by this input appears; the only option is to exit the menu.13.6.3. Menu Add addressable outputThe menu allows the user to add separate addressable outputs to the list of outputs subject toactivation by the addressable input. Enter the menu to display: If no free addressable outputs, not included in the list, are available – a screen with themessage No unused outputs appears; the only optio is to exit the menu; If a free addressable output,not included in the lis, isavailable – a screendisplaying the first freeaddressable output:For each addressable output isdisplayed: The loop where the inputmodule is included in; themodule address in the loopand the number of the outputin the module, if more thanone – in the top line; Text message for the module– in the line beneath.The selected addressable outputis pointed by arrow – „>>”.Buttons and in the right panel section are visualized if more than one free addressableoutput is available, the Go to field and the digit buttons appear if free addressable outputs in morethan one module are available.When you press a digit button, the Go to field is activated and you can enter a random 3-digitnumber for the module. To edit the number, use button and the last inserted digit will be deleted.Devices obtain numbers according to the following sequence: from the first device in Loop 1 tothe last device in Loop 1; from the first device in Loop 2 to the last device in Loop 2.When you press button and a number is entered in the Go to field, the first freeaddressable output in the first module whose number is equal to or higher than the number in the fieldwill be selected: If the number is 0, the first free addressable output will be selected; If the number is higher than the number of the module having the last free addressable output,then the last output will be selected.Simultaneously the number in the Go to field is deleted; i.e. the field is deactivated.When you press button and a number is entered in the Go to field, the field will bedeactivated.When you press button and the Go to field is empty, the output will be added to the list ofoutputs, activated by the addressable input. When the last free addressable output is added, themessage No unused outputs appears; the only option is to exit the menu. When 12th addressableoutput is added to the list of outputs activated by the addressable input, the message Additionaladdressable outputs can not be activated by this input appears; the only option is to exit the menu.СMode:DAY LOC 17:53:49 Thu 25 Mar 2010SetUp Input Lp1 Аddr19.1 Go to:Total: 11>>Lp1 Аddr25.1 FD7203Point 1.0250 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 С