152 PROFIBUS Master in CoDeSys 2.3 WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion 1.0.0Pos: 46.12 /Serie 758 (Funk, IPC und PFC)/Feldbuskommunikation/CoDeSys-Diagnose 758-87x Einleitung allgemein 1 @ 10\mod_1313131744244_21.doc @ 76545 @ 2 @ 112.5 Diagnostics of the fieldbus couplerThis section requires a good knowledge of the CoDeSys programming tool. Itonly describes the procedure to create diagnostics using the fieldbus master as anexample.Configured slaves (e.g., a fieldbus coupler or a fieldbus controller) are aprerequisite for diagnostics in fieldbus networks.Pos: 46.13 /Serie 758 (Funk, IPC und PFC)/Feldbuskommunikation/CoDeSys-Diagnose 758-87x DMP Kanaldiagnose freigeben @ 10\mod_1313131671572_21.doc @ 76554 @ 3 @ 112.5.1 Releasing the Channel DiagnosticsYou can release the diagnostics of the I/O modules to the slave by channel.Proceed in the following manner:1. Click on the "Resources" tab and then double click on "PLC Configuration."2. Click on the name of the slave.Figure 78: Release of channel diagnostics 1