236 I/O Modules WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion 1.0.0Pos: 60.11 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Mapping/ETHERNET - EtherNet/IP - MODBUS/TCP/PA ETHERNET - AOs-Einleitung MODBUS/TCP (Intel, mit word-alignment) @ 7\mod_1272352587776_21.doc @ 55809 @ 3 @ 118.2.4 Analog Output ModulesThe hardware of an analog output module has 16 bits of measured analog data perchannel and 8 bits of control/status. However, the coupler/controller withMODBUS/TCP does not have access to the 8 control/status bits. Therefore, thecoupler/controller with MODBUS/TCP can only access the 16 bits of analog dataper channel, which are grouped as words and mapped in Intel format in the OutputProcess Image.Pos: 60.12 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Mapping/Sofern in dem Knoten auch Digitalausgangsklemmen gesteckt sind, zu AOs @ 8\mod_1279112179255_21.doc @ 59906 @ @ 1When digital output modules are also present in the node, the analog output datais always mapped into the Output Process Image in front of the digital data.Pos: 60.13 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Mapping/Information - Informationen zum Steuer-/Statusbyteaufbau @ 4\mod_1238055708743_21.doc @ 29070 @ @ 1Information to the structure of the Control/Status byteFor detailed information about the structure of a particular module’s control/statusbyte, please refer to that module’s manual. Manuals for each module can be foundon the Internet under: http://www.wago.com.Pos: 60.14 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM)/Prozessabbild Mapping/ETHERNET - EtherNet/IP - MODBUS/TCP/PA ETHERNET - AOs (INTEL, mit word-alignment) @ 7\mod_1272352309632_21.doc @ 55793 @ 44 @ 2 Channel Analog Output Modules750-550, -552, -554, -556, -560, -562, 563, -585, (and all variations),753-550, -552, -554, -556Table 101: 2 Channel Analog Output ModulesOutput Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Description0 D1 D0 Output Value Channel 11 D3 D2 Output Value Channel 4 Channel Analog Output Modules750-553, -555, -557, -559,753-553, -555, -557, -559Table 102: 4 Channel Analog Output ModulesOutput Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Description0 D1 D0 Output Value Channel 11 D3 D2 Output Value Channel 22 D5 D4 Output Value Channel 33 D7 D6 Output Value Channel 4Pos: 60.15 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1