82 Configuration WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion 1.0.0Table 36: Description of the Parameters of the "Administration" PageCreate bootable image from active partitionSelect destinationSelect the media to which you want to copy the image, either from theCF card to the internal flash memory or to USB storage or vice versa.Press the [Start Copy] button to copy.Configuration of Serial InterfaceCoDeSys DebugI/O-CheckMODBUS RTUHere, select the service that is to be executed on the serial interface. Toaccept your entries, click on the [SUBMIT] button.Linux ConsoleActivating "Control Mode“ in WAGO-IO-CHECK!Using WAGO-IO-CHECK, you can overwriteparameters and process data in "Control Mode"regardless of whether the fieldbus or PLCfunctionalities are enabled or disabled. By doing so,machine components may be placed in a dangerousstate and personnel and machines may be at risk.Before changing parameters and process data, ensurethat the machine components are in a safe and definedstate and switch off the higher-level controller. Alsoensure before start-up that no personnel remain in thedanger area of the machine components.Free Port(CoDeSys Libs)The serial interface is available for some applications such as CoDeSys(CoDeSys/SysLibCom or SerComLib).File system CheckSelect DeviceThis is how you execute a check of the file system for a device selectedfrom the list. To start the check, click the [Start Check] button. Ifduring the check a problem was detected, a corresponding error messageis displayed above on the page about "Configuration of Serial Interface"("Error while filecheck. If more ..."Start Backup SystemStart Backup SystemSwitch the boot loader to start the other system partition the next timethe system is restarted. There is an older version of the firmware here ifyou previously restored the system software via the "Firmware Update"page.Reboot IPCPress the [Start Reboot] button to restart the I/O-IPC.Pos: 44.5 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1