252 I/O Modules WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion 1.0.0Pos: 62 /Serie 758 (Funk, IPC und PFC)/Mailboxklemmen/Mailboxklemmen Anzahl @ 11\mod_1319612214924_21.doc @ 82581 @ 2 @ 118.3 Mailbox ModulesThe I/O-IPC currently supports a total of eight I/O modules that work accordingto the mailbox principle such as, e.g., the 750-655 AS-interface master modules orthe 750-670 stepper controller modules.Pos: 63 /Dokumentation allgemein/Gliederungselemente/---Seitenwechsel--- @ 3\mod_1221108045078_0.doc @ 21810 @ @ 1