158 PROFIBUS Master in CoDeSys 2.3 WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion Performing Bus Diagnostics via DiagGetBusState()To perform bus diagnostics, proceed as follows:1. Log in to CoDeSys. To do this, click in the menu bar on Online > Login.Now the variable window displays the information on the variables (OnlineView).2. Start the PLC program by clicking in the menu bar on Online > Run.Starting causes the call up of the function block DiagGetBusState() and thediagnostic information is output to the array EXTENDEDINFO.In the online view of the variable window, the array EXTENDEDINFO providesinformation on the status of the slaves. One entry is reserved for each slave in thearray. The slave address is assigned to the array index. In this example, it is theslaves with the station addresses 2 and 5 that store the diagnostic information.Display the diagnostic informationThe diagnostic information is only displayed for the duration of one programcycle. If the diagnostic information is to be available for longer, a suitableprogram must be written.Figure 86: Online view of the variable window (upper window) in FBD3. The binary code facilitates the evaluation of the individual diagnostic bits.You can have the diagnostic information of the array EXTENDEDINFO0: No slaves or non-configured slaves≠ 0: Configured slavesArray