204 Diagnostics WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion 1.0.0Pos: 51.16 /Serie 758 (Funk, IPC und PFC)/Diagnose/Diagnose Blinkcode 758-87x Blinksequenz @ 10\mod_1312535550094_21.doc @ 76024 @ 333 @ 115.2.1 Progression of Blink SequenceAn error is always displayed as three blink sequences in a cyclic manner:1. The first blink sequence (flickering) introduces the error message.2. After a short break, the second blink sequence starts. The number of blinkpulses indicates the exact error code that describes the type of error.3. After another break, the third blink sequence starts. The number of blinkpulses indicates the error argument, which provides additional descriptionsof the error, e.g. on which of the 750 Series components connected to theI/O-IPC the error has occurred.‘I/O’ LED is blinking (red)Test o.k.? NoYes‘I/O’-LED is shining (green)ready for operation2nd break1st break‘I/O’ LED1st flash sequence (red)(Introduction of the error indication)‘I/O’ LED2nd flash sequence (red)Error code(Number of flash cycles)‘I/O’ LED3rd flash sequence (red)Error argument(Number of flash cycles)Start-upSwitching onthe power supplyFigure 109: Blink sequence process diagram