WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 I/O Modules 239758-874/000-131 WAGO-I/O-IPC-C6ManualVersion Pulse Width Modules750-511, (and all variations /xxx-xxx)The above Pulse Width modules have a total of 6 bytes of user data in both theInput and Output Process Image (4 bytes of channel data and 2 bytes of control/status). The two channel values are supplied as 16 bits. Each channel has its owncontrol/status byte. The following table illustrates the Input and Output ProcessImage, which has a total of 4 words mapped into each image. Word alignment isapplied.Table 106: Pulse Width Modules 750-511, /xxx-xxxInput and Output ProcessByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Description0 - C0/S0 Control/Status byte of Channel 11 D1 D0 Data Value of Channel 12 - C1/S1 Control/Status byte of Channel 23 D3 D2 Data Value of Channel Serial Interface Modules with alternative Data Format750-650, (and the variations /000-002, -004, -006, -009, -010, -011, -012, -013),750-651, (and the variations /000-001, -002, -003),750-653, (and the variations /000-002, -007),753-650, -653The process image of the / 003-000-variants depends on the parameterizedoperating mode!With the freely parameterizable variations /003 000 of the serial interfacemodules, the desired operation mode can be set. Dependent on it, the processimage of these modules is then the same, as from the appropriate variation.The above Serial Interface Modules with alternative data format have a total of 4bytes of user data in both the Input and Output Process Image (3 bytes of serialdata and 1 byte of control/status). The following table illustrates the Input andOutput Process Image, which have a total of 2 words mapped into each image.Word alignment is applied.Table 107: Serial Interface Modules with alternative Data FormatInput and Output Process ImageByte DestinationOffset High Byte Low Byte Description0 D0 C/S Data byte Control/statusbyte1 D2 D1 Data bytes